100 Yen Love (2014)

Action, Comedy, Drama

32-year-old Ichiko (Sakura Ando) lives at home with her parents, passing the days in self-indulgent grunginess. Ichiko's recently divorced younger sister Fumiko has moved back home with her young son. One day, after a particularly heated argument, Ichiko charges out of the house for good. With few employment options to support herself, Ichiko works the night shift at a 100 yen shop (dollar store). On her way home each day she passes a boxing gym where she watches Yuji Kano (Hirofumi Arai) silently practice, developing a crush on him. The pair starts seeing each other and things change for Ichiko... At last, the bell rings and longtime loser Ichiko's rematch with life begins!—Daichi Yashiki (International Sales/TOEI COMPANY, LTD)
  • 2014-10-25 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Masaharu Take Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
