Appleseed Alpha (2014)

Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Aoi Yuki
Based on the comic book by the creator of Ghost in the Shell, a young female soldier Deunan and her cyborg partner Briareos survive through the post World War 3 apocalyptic New York in search of human's future hope, the legendary city of Olympus.—SAI
  • 2014-07-02 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Shinji Aramaki Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

rating language release other uploader
1 Arabic subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Bengali subtitle Appleseed Alpha Bangladesh
2 Brazilian Portuguese subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Chinese subtitle Appleseed.Alpha.2014.720p.BluRay.x264.YIFY.cht osamawang
1 Chinese subtitle Appleseed Alpha geocity
-1 Chinese subtitle Appleseed Alpha pickyricky
-1 Chinese subtitle Appleseed Alpha pickyricky
-1 Chinese subtitle Appleseed Alpha pickyricky
-1 Chinese subtitle Appleseed Alpha geocity
0 Dutch subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
2 English subtitle Appleseed Alpha youtoo
1 English subtitle Appleseed Alpha sopdozim
0 English subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 English subtitle Appleseed Alpha sopdozim
1 Farsi/Persian subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Farsi/Persian subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
1 French subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 French subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Greek subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Greek subtitle Appleseed Alpha youtoo
0 Indonesian subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
1 Malay subtitle Appleseed Alpha sensei86
2 Norwegian subtitle Appleseed Alpha Leogate68
1 Portuguese subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Romanian subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
1 Serbian subtitle Appleseed Alpha bbocko
1 Serbian subtitle Appleseed.Alpha.2014.720p.BluRay.x264.[YTS.AG] Cp6a
0 Serbian subtitle Appleseed Alpha Chozza
0 Serbian subtitle Appleseed Alpha sopdozim
1 Spanish subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
1 Spanish subtitle Appleseed Alpha DonPablone
0 Spanish subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
0 Turkish subtitle Appleseed Alpha sub
