1275 Days (2019)

Action, Crime, Documentary

On an October afternoon in Elkhart, Indiana, Blake Layman and four friends decided to break into a neighbor's presumably unoccupied house. They knocked on the door to ensure no one was home then entered with the intent to burglarize. After being inside several minutes, they were startled by the homeowner coming downstairs opening fire.Unarmed and terrified, the boys attempted to retreat. After being shot in the leg, Blake hid in the closet with his friend Danzele who was shot in the chest. While hiding, Danzele died in Blake's arms. Blake and the 3 other surviving boys were arrested, charged and ultimately convicted of Danzele's murder. After one boy accepted a plea bargain for Felony Murder- in exchange for 45 years- the remaining 3 teenagers were sentenced to 50-55 years in prison.Blake was sent to Wabash Correctional Facility, where he began serving a 55-year sentence.The "war room"of this story is the porch of Blake's mother, Angie's modest yet welcoming home where flyers hang proudly, fundraisers are planned and neighborhood kids filter in and out unannounced. A single mother of three, Angie works as a nurse to support her kids. Angie's struggle to make ends meet is compounded by crippling legal fees. Katherine, Blake's girlfriend has become part of the family, helping plan rallies to raise awareness for the boy's defense. She wakes up at 4AM on Saturdays to make the 5-hour drive from Elkhart to arrive on time for visitation at Wabash. Katherine spends $500 a month in phone calls, prison visits and commissary amongst other things to maintain their relationship.Most 18-year-olds are planning their futures yet Katherine's is on hold- she lives entirely in hopes of the slim chance that Blake's conviction will be overturned and they can finally have a normal life together. While her parents are supportive (of Blake), they have mixed feelings about the relationship long term and fear for her future as a "prison wife". The film documents the small yet notable movements in the boy's appeal, giving an exclusive glimpse into the emotional turmoil Blake and his family have found themselves in after one bad decision. Though armed with an unwavering determination to fight for a reduced sentence, the family confront the likely scenario that their appeal will be unsuccessful and that Blake will spend a lifetime behind bars.
  • 2019-10-13 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Katie Green Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
