Project Almanac (2015)

Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Virginia Gardner, Hillary Harley, Sofia Black-D'Elia, Cameron Fuller
Teenage David Raskin is a genius who dreams of attending MIT. He has a crush on Jessie Pierce but is too shy to date her. When he finds the design for a time machine that belonged to his father, he decides to build the device with his friends Quinn Goldberg and Adam Le, and his sister Christina. Soon Jessie joins the group and becomes David's girlfriend. When their experiment gets out of control and changes the future, David decides to fix the problems but only makes them worse.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • N/A Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Dean Israelite Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

rating language release other uploader
-2 Arabic subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Arabic subtitle Project Almanac tounsi
-2 Arabic subtitle Project Almanac omar-mero
3 Brazilian Portuguese subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Brazilian Portuguese subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Brazilian Portuguese subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Bulgarian subtitle Project Almanac sub
3 Chinese subtitle Project Almanac geocity
-1 Chinese subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Chinese subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Chinese subtitle Project Almanac sunshine9521
-1 Chinese subtitle Project Almanac sunshine9521
0 Croatian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 Croatian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
1 Croatian subtitle Project Almanac thepilgrim
1 Croatian subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Croatian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 Czech subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Danish subtitle Project Almanac sub
2 Dutch subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Dutch subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 English subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 English subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 English subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 English subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 English subtitle Project Almanac SAVVASCANON
0 Farsi/Persian subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Farsi/Persian subtitle Project Almanac vorxes
0 Finnish subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Finnish subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 French subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 French subtitle Project Almanac powdernight
0 German subtitle Project Almanac sub
3 Greek subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Greek subtitle Project Almanac SAVVASCANON
0 Greek subtitle Project Almanac boy30
0 Greek subtitle Project Almanac boy30
0 Greek subtitle Project Almanac boy30
0 Hebrew subtitle Project Almanac sub
1 Hungarian subtitle Project Almanac sub
1 Indonesian subtitle Project Almanac fayths
1 Italian subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Korean subtitle Project Almanac Daaak
1 Malay subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Malay subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Polish subtitle Project Almanac Balonik
1 Portuguese subtitle Project Almanac sub
-1 Portuguese subtitle Project Almanac sub
2 Romanian subtitle Project Almanac RichardNasta
0 Romanian subtitle Project Almanac lightness
1 Serbian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 Serbian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 Serbian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
0 Serbian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
-1 Serbian subtitle Project Almanac sopdozim
1 Spanish subtitle Project Almanac julioc42
0 Spanish subtitle Project Almanac sub
0 Swedish subtitle Project Almanac Conken
3 Turkish subtitle Project Almanac EzerchE
2 Turkish subtitle Project Almanac sub
1 Vietnamese subtitle Project Almanac sub
