Love at the Ranch (2021)

Laura Mitchell, Erin Boyes, Jon Cor
Hank Clyborne left the city rat race in Seattle to help his widowed grandmother Stella run their ancestral ranch, with generous community projects, alas not lucrative enough to survive. Although a perfect gentleman treating her to a floral gift before knowing who it is, Hank mistrusts Stella's special guest: Seattle newspaper star reporter Allison Sawyer, who delays her high-profile assignment to write at the ranch an article on her favorite but mysterious romance author Annabelle Lee, who worked their for years, with a secret now coming out. Trust builds and romance glares between Hank and Allison, until her ruthless editor steps in, forcing the trust-shocked lovers to make crucial choices.—KGF Vissers
  • 2021-06-03 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • David I. Strasser Director:
  • N/A Website:

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