Shrink (2009)

Action, Comedy, Drama
Jesse Plemons, Robin Williams, Ashley Greene, Kevin Spacey
In Hollywood, people in need revolve around Dr. Henry Carter, the a shrink: Jack, an aging star wants permission to cheat in on his wife; Shamus is a director who's a cokehead; Patrick is a high-powered germophobic producer; Jeremy is a young writer looking for a break; Jemma, a high-school student, is skipping school; and Kate is an actress facing her mid-30s. Henry's wife recently died; he's grieving, blaming himself, smoking lots of pot. Henry's friends try an intervention; someone steals a patient's file from Henry; Patrick's assistant, the pregnant Daisy, sees promise in Jeremy's relationship work; and, Jesus, Henry's drug dealer, sells him some potent weed. Can anything good come of this?—
  • 2009-01-21 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Jonas Pate Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
