Stealing a Survivor (2020)

Action, Comedy
George Wendt
Two worlds collide. Ray Martin is in a bit of a pickle. His father's (George Wendt) chauffeur business is failing financially and is on the verge of collapsing. Ray must find a way to save the company. at the same time - Gervase Peterson's career in Hollywood is hanging on by a thread and he needs to salvage whatever is left of his career. Through a chance meeting, Ray wrangles together an eclectic bunch of strangers and friends to get Gervase's career back on track and save his father from bankruptcy.—Walter Haley
  • 2020-06-30 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Ray Martin Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
