The Edukators (2004)

Action, Drama, Romance
Daniel Brühl
Berlin student Jule is hopelessly indebted from an accident she caused, uninsuredly hitting a rich businessman's limousine. Evicted from her flat, she moves in with her boyfriend Peter and soon finds out that he and his flatmate Jan spend their nights breaking into luxurious mansions. Instead of stealing or vandalizing, though, they are carefully and ornately rearranging furniture and valuables and leaving obscure messages. Jule convinces Jan, who has a crush on her, to pay a visit to her creditor's villa.—Armin Ortmann {}
  • 2004-05-17 Released:
  • 2008-09-18 DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Hans Weingartner Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
