Super Troopers (2001)

Action, Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Brian Cox, Lynda Carter, Paul Soter, Marisa Coughlan
Thorny, Mac, Rabbit, Foster and Farva are Vermont state troopers out to have a good time. Stationed in a remote area near the Canadian border, the troopers, avid pranksters with an affinity for syrup, have a knack for screwing up on the job. But when budget cuts in the town of Spurbury threaten their livelihood and pit them against arch-rival Spurbury P.D., the five friends try to straighten up and fly right. That is, until a dead body is discovered and a possible drug ring is unearthed. The super troopers spring into action attempting to solve the crime, save their jobs, and outdo the local police department.—Anonymous
  • 2001-01-19 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Jay Chandrasekhar Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
