Shirley Valentine (1989)

Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Joanna Lumley, Bernard Hill, Tom Conti, Gillian Kearney
Shirley's a middle-aged Liverpool housewife,who finds herself talking to the wall while she prepares her husband's chip'n'egg, wondering what happened to her life. She compares scenes in her current life to how she used to be, and feels stagnated and in a rut. But when she best friend wins an all-expenses-paid vacation to Greece for two, Shirley begins to see the world, and herself, in a better light.—Kathy Li
  • 1989-08-24 Released:
  • 1998-01-13 DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Lewis Gilbert Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:
